`-d,--data` | data file. |
`-c,--control` | control file. |
`--format` | the format of the data file, can be one of : bowtie, sam, bam and bed. |
`-l,--ext_length` | read extension length |
`-h,--help` | show the usage |
`--verbose` | show progress |
`--version` | output the version number |
`-d,--data` | data file. |
`-h,--help` | show the usage |
`--verbose` | show progress |
`--version` | output the version number |
`-d,--data` | data file. |
`--format` | the format of the data file, can be one of : bowtie, sam, bam and bed. |
`-o,--output` | the output location |
`-s,--split` | generate one wig file per chromosome |
`-z,--gzip` | compress the output |
`-x,--strand` | generate one wig file per strand |
`-l,--ext_length` | read extension length |
`-h,--help` | show the usage |
`--verbose` | show progress |
`--version` | output the version number |
`-d,--data` | data file. |
`-o,--output` | the output location |
`-s,--split` | generate one wig file per chromosome |
`-z,--gzip` | compress the output |
`-x,--strand` | generate one wig file per strand |
`-l,--ext_length` | read extension length |
`-h,--help` | show the usage |
`--verbose` | show progress |
`--version` | output the version number |
`-d,--data` | data file. |
`-c,--control` | control file. |
`--format` | the format of the data file, can be one of : bowtie, sam, bam and bed. |
`-o,--output` | the output location |
`--report` | generate html reports |
`--plot_region` | the length of the snapshort regions in the HTML report. It also controls the search span for nearby genes. |
`--gene_annot_file` | the gene annotation file |
`-p,--pval` | p value cut off |
`--win_size` | Sliding window size |
`-l,--ext_length` | read extension length |
`-h,--help` | show the usage |
`--verbose` | show progress |
`--version` | output the version number |
`-d,--data` | data file. |
`-c,--control` | control file. |
`--format` | the format of the data file, can be one of : bowtie, sam, bam and bed. |
`-o,--output` | the output location |
`--report` | generate html reports |
`--plot_region` | the length of the snapshort regions in the HTML report. It also controls the search span for nearby genes. |
`--gene_annot_file` | the gene annotation file |
`-p,--pval` | p value cut off |
`-q,--FDR` | FDR cut off |
`-l,--ext_length` | read extension length |
`-r,--delta` | sensitivity of the summit detector |
`-b,--bandwidth` | smoothing bandwidth. |
`--pad` | pad read coverage to avoid false positive summits |
`-t` | number of threads.(default: 1) |
`-h,--help` | show the usage |
`--verbose` | show progress |
`--version` | output the version number |
`-d,--data` | data file. |
`-c,--control` | control file. |
`--format` | the format of the data file, can be one of : bowtie, sam, bam and bed. |
`-o,--output` | the output location |
`--report` | generate html reports |
`--plot_region` | the length of the snapshort regions in the HTML report. It also controls the search span for nearby genes. |
`--gene_annot_file` | the gene annotation file |
`-q,--FDR` | FDR cut off |
`--win_size` | sliding window size |
`--win_step` | window moving step |
`--min_count` | minimum window reads count |
`--min_score` | minimum window reads fold change |
`-l,--ext_length` | read extension length |
`-h,--help` | show the usage |
`--verbose` | show progress |
`--version` | output the version number |