##[Latest Releases](https://sourceforge.net/projects/ranger/files/)
#Changes in version 1.18:
* Added a new broad peak calling module: BCP
* peakranger-ranger now generates a stable number of peaks
* Fixed a bug that freezes peakranger-ccat in certain Linux dists
* Fixed a bug that freezes peakranger when generating HTML reports
* Fixed several typos in system messages.
#Changes in version 1.17:
* Fixed the bug of peakranger-wig that causes it not put output
any files.
* Created shell based tests
#Changes in version 1.16:
* --gzip and --strand options for wig. --gzip enables gzipped
wig files. --strand enables one wig per strand.
* the output file *_details now contains the number of reads from
both sample and control.
#Changes in version 1.15:
* Wig files generated by ranger no longer contains
the "viewLimit" item. This allows browser's automatic scaling.
* An -q/--FDR option is added to enable FDR corrected p values.
* Now outputs three files, summits, regions and all. Each file
contains details about the used parameters.
* The signaldumper utility is disabled for MAC OSX.
* Modified makefile for MAC OSX.
* Now allows ranger to run in solo-core systems.
#Changes in version 1.14:
* Fixed the problem when you specify the output as "foo".
previously this will lead ranger to set the output as "/",
which should instead be "./"
* Sam parser now rejects reads mapped to "*" or "" and " "
* In wig, if the output name is specified as foo, then wig will
generate two files, foo(containing nothing) and foo.wig. Now
it only generates foo.wig
#Changes in version 1.13:
* Fixed a lethal bug in sam parser so that read length is set
#Changes in version 1.12:
* No longer depends on boost::filesystem
Option --output is now the third positional argument
* Various bug fixes
#Changes in version 1.10:
* Significant less memory consumption
* Codes now only rely on Boost
* Customized format is no longer supported
* Added option --chr_table
* Added option --split for wig